<b>Agafonov A.V., Emtseva M.V., Shabanova (Kobozeva) E.V., Baorong Lu. </b>Microevolutionary relationships between biotypes of Elymus confusus, E. peschkovae, and E. sibiricus (Poaceae) according to hybridization and sequencing of the nuclear gene GBSS1 (waxy) ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/vR2TtU4WkbitxA
<b>Ambros E.V., Novikova T.I. </b>Productivity characteristics of F1 ornamental progenies between Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier. and Potentilla nepalensis Hook.; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/N0DR1Z4HjqylFQ
<b>Antipova M.G., Samoylova G.V.</b> Adventitious plants of the flora of the Omsk city; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/qI6wQ7eq2oF9hA
<b>Barsukov P.A. </b>Integrated ecological education in the annual field courses to West Siberia; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/MLjYW8qHOK6ERw
<b>Barsukova I.N., Leonova T.V. </b>Biological features of Nitraria sibirica Pall. and the structure of its coenopopulation (the Republic of Khakasia); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/dzq1_f8OTPqm9g
<b>Belevtsova V.I. Sorokopudova O.A. </b>Fragaria orientalis Losinsk in Yakutia: populations, selection and breeding prospects; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/BOtwu-GyMbmSJA
<b>Boboradzhabov B. </b>Taxonomic analysis of Pamir's bryoflora; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/AcOCy0kYD4w-IQ
<b>Bondorina I.A., Kabanov A.V., Khokhlacheva J.A. </b>Features of the introduction of ornamental herbaceous plants native to the Russian Far East region in Laboratory of Ornamental Plants, at Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Science; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/T2shqlo4aAe30A
<b>Cheryomushkina V.A., Bobokalonov K.A. </b>Ontogenetic structure of Ziziphora interrupta (Lamiaceae) coenopopulations in Tajikistan; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/y1yMa-8Yd-kUIA
<b>Davlatov S.Kh., Sattorov R.B., Bobokalonov J.M. </b>Xerophytic forests (Xerodrymionororientale mediterraneum) of the Karatag gorge;
<b>Denisova G.R., Rahimov S. </b>Variation in morphological characteristics of Dracocephalum nutans L. (Lamiaceae) from different altitudes ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/nAjVDWeO-LdKWw
<b>Dorofeeva L.M. </b>Lianas collection from the Botanical Garden and its science-practice utilization; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/zUUQ68XWiHgH7Q
<b>Dushina E.E., Shakleina M.N., Belova K.D. </b>Evaluation of coenopopulations of some nemoral species in pine types of communities; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/-Pit6hpuEXQDbA
<b>Eremin G.V., Eremin V.G., Gasanova T.A. </b>The gene pool of the black apricot – Prunus dasycarpa Pers. and its use in stone fruit crops breeding; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/3j2kCY3ZnLRAFA
<b>Eremina O.V., Eremin V.G. </b>Prospects for the gene pool use of stone fruit plants in the distant hybridization of cherries; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/j0PNa9IxoGD5fQ
<b>Fershalova T.D., Bochkareva I.I. </b>Botanic component in training bachelors of ecology at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGIT); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Zrw87PVW42qr-Q
<b>Fomina T.I., Kukushkina T.A. </b>Flowers of Campanula species as a source of biologically active substances; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/l0s1f6Cng0rG-g
<b>Golovanov Y.M., Abramova L.M. </b>Database of anthropogenic vegetation of the Urals and adjacent territories ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/_QrHX9_fB2IA1Q
<b>Gorbunova I.A. </b>Agaricoid basidiomycetes of the natural park Uch-Enmek of Altai Republic ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Ckuj-T80EratyA
<b>Gordeeva N.I. </b>Sexual and ontogenetic structures of gynodioecious Geranium pseudosibiricum J. Mayer (Geraniaceae) in Altai Mountains; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/q_nP9xLEOW4MLQ
<b>Grebennikova O.A., Pilkeviсh R.A. </b>Physiological and biochemical characteristics of some therophyllous species of the Ficus genus in water stress conditions; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/d9Tg-VU8IHU3aA
<b>Imanbayeva A.A., Belozerov I.F. </b>Integrated diagnostic scales of plant introductory value for different natural zones of Kazakhstan; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/GqxkTf7xNWHwPQ
<b>Ishmuratova M.Y., Tleukenova S.U., Ramasanov A.K., Gavrilkova E.A., Ageev D.V. </b>Study of the cryopreservation conditions for seed materials of Chartolepis intermedia Boiss. ;
<b>Kaigalov I.V., Erst A.S. Wang W. </b> Integrative Taxonomy of Aquilegia glandulosa Fischer ex Link and related species (Ranunculaceae) in North Asia ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Cvk-DmZZ1hzVhQ
<b>Kazakova N.P. </b>Monotoring of Tilia cordata Mill. planting in the conditions of the Abakan city; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/e6ZWoxNvYe504w
<b>Khozyaykina S.A., Banaev E.V. </b>Analysis of intraspecific polymorphism of Nitraria sibirica Pall. using the ISSR technique;
<b>Khramova E.P., Kukushkina T.A., Shaldaeva T.M., Pshenichkina Yu.A. </b>Biologically active compounds and antioxidant activity of the plants from CSBG SB RAS collection of the Asteraceae family;
<b>Komarevtseva E.K., Astashenkov A.Y., Boboev M.T. </b>Biomorphological analysis and features development of two short-lived plants: Stachys annua (L.) L. and Clinopodium acinos (L.) Kuntze; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/GmnvGPrCMqgQ1A
<b>Komar-Tyomnaya L.D. </b>Results of the introduction of ornamental peach cultivars from China and Japan; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/S_JuXkq0Tne4ag
<b>Korsakova S.P., Korsakov P.B. </b>Features development of olive trees during the growing season in the Southern coast of the Crimea; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Zj5R7OM0EhPGMg
<b>Kostikova V.A., Kalendar O.V., Tashev N.A., Erst A.S., Vasilyeva O.Yu. </b>Biologically active and reserve substances of Siberian peonies; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/XYsY2FrJJd8iug
<b>Kostikova V.A., Yu S-X., Sharples Mathew T. </b>Morphological and biochemical diversity of Spiraea hypericifolia (Rosaceae) growing under natural conditions in Novosibirsk Oblast; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/MGLHIdnkBXk7ew
<b>Kuban I., Zhmud E.V., Achimova A.A., Dorogina O.V., Williams N. </b>Genetic analysis of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Asteraceae) during restoration of natural populations in the Altai Republic; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/GOVWQz2CPWwvcQ
<b>Lagunova E.G., Ankipovich E.S., Shaulo D.N. </b>Adventive and invasive plant species of natural ecosystems in the Republic of Khakassia; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/T25Llbg6wvvs9A
<b>Lagunova E.G., Larina O.A. </b>The taxonomy of higher vascular plants, lichens and fungi of the Abakan city (Republic of Khakassia); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/m2RGzdY1z4toag
<b>Larina O.A., Makeeva E.G. </b>The condition of the epiphytic lichens of dark coniferous forest in the area of the outbreak of ips sexdentatus boern on the Maly Abakan site of Khakassky nature reserve; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/SRKxYDvkCUlumA
<b>Lezin M.S., Ufimtseva L. </b>Assessment of relationship between biometric characteristics of stone and crown morphotype of Prunus pumila L.; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/rQ8XjxEo0-Rilg
<b>Lobanova I.E., Filippova E.I., Kotsupiy O.V., Protsenko M.A., Kharina T.G., Mazurkova N.A. </b>Cacalia hastata L.: anti-influenza activity and phytochemical characteristics of extracts; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/MesiQTO8zYl8Xw
<b>Lokteva A.V., Simagin V.S., Frolova L. </b>Seasonal bud development in Maakа cherry; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/zl3vLr7PXsUA5g
<b>Lyakh E.M., Astashenkov A.Y. </b>Features of the population organization of Myricaria bracteata in the riverbed of the Ursul River (Gorny Altai); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/eFYDu9cYUyAmWw
<b>Mamontov Y.S., Vilnet A., Atwood J.J. </b>On the diversity and distribution of the genus Frullania in Northern Holarctic; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/vIUINWCcCt8Xsg
<b>Mistratova N.A. </b>The use of prolonged fertilizers for vegetative reproduction of Prunus salicina in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/MVJA_8ChtnvzRQ
<b>Mistratova N.A., Bopp V.L., Gurevich Y.L. </b>The use of biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles in the reproduction of Ribes nigrum L. lignified cuttings; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/85pLvRsTzrB4qA
<b>Muraseva D.S., Guseva A.A. </b>ISSR primer screening for analysis of genetic diversity among Scutellaria tuvensis (Lamiaceae) populations; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/sy7pfUkJqtqk5g
<b>Murtazaliev R.A. </b>Floristic diversity of Dagestan florocoenotypes; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/_wjP8nYcQsmUog
<b>Nabieva A.Y., Zaytseva Y.G., Shakarishili N. </b>Genome size variability of the population of Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae) in the Novosibirsk Region (Russia); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/84uHF9eNZ1vRVg
<b>Naumenko Y.V. </b>The genus Teilingia Bourrelly in waterbodies of West Siberia (Russia) ; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RHd0wLfp-FvE4g
<b>Nikitina N., Rakhmatov A. </b>Identification of Nepeta olgae Regel and phylogenetic status of some genera in subtribe Nepetinae (Lamiaceae) using DNA markers;
<b>Nikolaeva A.A., Golosova E.V., Shelepova O.V. </b>Allelopathic activity of Acer negundo L. leaf litter as a vector of invasion species into plant communities; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/8hJbf2vQYr2Nyg
<b>Nikolin E.G. </b> Specially protected vascular plants of the Verkhneindigirsky Resource Reserve (Yakutia);
<b>Nikolin E.G., Yakshina I.A. </b> Two standard flora of the lower reaches of the Lena River, as an indicator of the territory's biodiversity;
<b>Pashina M.V. </b> Anatomy of rosehips shoots; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/uKimRdwZFPfk6Q
<b>Petruk A.A., Lobanova I.E., Bolotnik E.V. </b> Biochemical characteristics of some species of the genus Monandra L.; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/UnAWj7JP7qmFmA
<b>Petruk A.A., Pankova (An'kova) T.V., Osmonali B., Lomonosova M.N. </b> Phenolic compouds of Bassia prostrata (Chenopodiaceae); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/6OTIKfRurIzNEQ
<b>Pisarenko O.Y. </b> Arctic-Alpine species in the bryoflora of the Altai-Sayan mountain region; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/LyxCmd40JVXKtA
<b>Popova E.V. </b> Analysis of high-mountain vegetation of the Kurai ridge;
<b>Rahimov S. </b> Influence of environmental conditions on the formation of generative organs Ferula tadshikorum M. Pimen.;
<b>Sagaradze V.A., Babaeva E.Y., Zagurskaya Y.V., Siromlya T.I. </b> Impact of surface contamination on elemental composition of Crataegus sanguinea Pall. Leaves; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/jRJazvqrmnY-Dw
<b>Sedelnikova L.L. </b> Rhizomatous geophytes from the genus Hosta Tratt. in Western Siberia; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/9ccLqZ6RiA6m6Q
<b>Selyutina I.Y., Konichenko E., Igay N.V., Darikhand D. </b> The specific features of the reproductive biology of the rare species Gueldenstaedtia monophilla Fisch. (Fabaceae); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/X_GrUYZJ3PyA3g
<b>Semenova V.V. </b> Coenopopulation structures of various plant species in Yakutia; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/HlhptATz6pPxww
<b>Shishkina E.L., Gubanova T.B., Titov V. </b> Some special features of the water regime and the photosynthetic apparatus activity in Feijoa sellowiana (O. Berg) O. Berg plants under the water stress; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/J_zvtD9miOl5Bg
<b>Simagin V.S., Lokteva A.V. </b> New original decorative specimen of common bird cherry; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/GAmWOoRdyPnO1w
<b>Slepneva T., Makarenko S., Taranau A. </b> Assessment of the adaptive potential of the plum-tree to the conditions of the winter period in the northern forest-steppe of the Southern Urals; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/p0I-nnEWJ_G9mg
<b>Solomonova E.V., Trusov N.A., Nozdrina T.D., Kuvshinchikov N.N. </b> Prospects for the use of caragana fruits (Caragana arborescens and C. frutex) as alternative raw materials for the food industry; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/lTnmiMhWPgkrjg
<b>Syso A.I., Korolyuk A.Y., Smolentsev B.A. </b> The effect of soil properties and climate on phytocenoses biodiversity in the forest-steppe of West Siberia;
<b>Tantsyrev N.V. </b> Comparative analysis of the competition of stands of different species composition in relation to the Siberian stone pine undergrowth; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/UpulHDu4KlFMlA
<b>Tkacheva E.V., Shelepova O.V., Golosova E.V. </b> The history of the introduction of peppermint (Mentha × piperita L.) in Imperial Russia; Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/djXEzvbAgpAf9g
<b>Tomoshevich M.A., Vorob′eva I.G., Banaev E.V. </b> On foliar fungal pathogens at species of the genus Alnus Mill. in Siberia;
<b>Vlasenko A.V., Shanmak R.B., Sambyla Ch.N. </b> First data on Myxomycetes of the State Nature Preserve «Sut-Khol», Republic of Tuva (Tyva), Russia;
<b>Vlasenko, V.A., Dejidmaa, T. </b> Distribution and niche of Macrolepiota excoriata in Asia;
<b>Vronskaya O.O., Tsandekova O.L. </b> Studying Althaea officinalis L. by an introduction experiment in the Kuzbass Botanical Garden (KuzBS); Open button=https://disk.yandex.ru/i/EuDSTYqlCJVfGw
<b>Zibzeev E.G., Igay N.V., Savchuk S., Lebed’ko V. </b> Shrub communities of the Sangilen plateau;